Progetto Erasmus+

Our project called “TOGETHER” has an aim of implementing an exchange between 4 countries. The topic is related to European mentality, citizenship and ideals, putting stress on the solidarity and respect of human dignity.

The direct participants of the exchange are the disadvantaged youngsters.Our goal in the exchange is to form these youngsters into individuals who consciously help each other and are aware of their human rights, fundamental principles of democratic participation, issues and questions of social responsibility and volunteering activities. In the long run, we want these young to be active participants in their own country with promoting democratic and social participation on a broader front. Through the planned activities, we can provide them the necessary information for acquiring and obtaining competence and knowledge. Thanks to the program – we may use the multiplication of results –we can achieve our goal, namely more and more citizens will become participants of volunteering activities and campaigns that are against social problems.Among the target group, we aim to achieve and form a kind of democratic attitude and way of looking, which will be handy in the later stages of their life. As a result of the project, a board game called “TOGETHER” will be worked out and elaborated on by the participants during the exchange.The enhancement of discrimination, exaggerate expressions, disadvantages springing from social differences, repression of the activity among youngsters on national and European levels, and migration from homelands provides a basis for the importance and necessity of the project. The planned 9-day-long exchange will be implemented in Roma/ Italy During the exchange, we put stress on acquiring knowledge from the topics, improving language skills, building connections among the participants, and of course safety measures. Besides these, we want to provide, disseminate and multiply the topic for the broader audience.

Mettiti in contatto, Mettiti in gioco!
Sede legale
via Nocera Terinese 46/B/14 00132 Roma
Sede operativa
via Nocera Terinese 46/B/14 00132 Roma